Secondly apologies for not posting much over the past week, I've been rather busy as I'm sure you will all appreciate and understand!! Hopefully I'll be back with some more of my creations in the next few days.
Thirdly and most importantly I've drawn the winner of my blog candy. Thank you all so much for joining in. Now for the important bit! I'm afraid I didn't use any high tech method of drawing the candy; I put all your names on pieces of paper and then put them in a little basket, I then stood at the top of the stairs and emptied the basket. The piece of paper that travelled the furthest was the winner!!
Drum roll please:
The winner of my blog candy is:
Hazel from My Crafty Outlook
Congratulations to you, please send me an email with your contact details and I'll get your prize in the post although I don't think I'm going to have the chance to post it until the New Year.
Congratulations again